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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, June 8, 2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Vice-Chairman Sandra Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Vice Chairman Sandra Motyka, James Juliano, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows, Karen Pierce.  ABSENT: Kathleen Madzula.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan, one member of the public.

On behalf of the Board, Mrs. Motyka welcomed Mr. Juliano and commended Mr. Gill for his service on the Board.

Public Participation. Lorraine Hurley requested that the Board consider her request to rent the kitchen as The Hurley Kitchen to conduct cooking classes for children and adults.  She distributed information to the Board concerning her request. (Attachment A to original minutes). Mr. Mahoney noted that Borough Zoning Officer Jean St. Jean said that this would be allowed under the Borough regulations. Ms. Hurley said that the Health District also said that this would be allowed under their regulations. Mr. Mahoney does not feel that there would be a problem with scheduling. Mrs. Motyka advised Ms. Hurley that the Board will take her request under advisement and will advise her of its decision.   

Acceptance of Minutes from May 11, 2010 and June 2, 2010. Mr. Juliano moved to accept the minutes of May 11, 2010 as presented. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried. Mrs. Pierce moved to accept the minutes of June 2, 2010. Second by Mr. Juliano and unanimously carried.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney reported that the Lathrop recital went well. Work has begun downstairs on their area. No storage will be lost. Mr. Mahoney said that Sam is not retiring.

Concerning the Borough move in, Mrs. Motyka reported that the Borough would like the secretary’s office also. Mr. Mahoney said that if Mr. Kathan remains downstairs, that he and Mrs. Becker would have enough space in the remaining area; he said that they would not be able to see the front door from this area, however. Mrs. Motyka said that the Borough needs space for their filing cabinets and safe. Mrs. Pierce suggested that these materials would be better housed in the vault and that the Board of Managers should have a visual vantage point from upstairs. Mrs. Pierce will speak to Borough Warden Gaston offering the Borough the First Selectman’s office for their office as well as the vault space. Also she will advise him that during some meetings there may be the need to use the ice room during movies.

Mrs. Pierce moved that the original motion approved at the meeting of April 13, 2010 be amended to add the vault space.  Also, once the Borough has been made aware of the traffic that may occur using the Concession Stand and Ice Room during their meetings, if they decide that this does not suit their needs, they will be offered the Town Clerk’s office as well as the vault space. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mahoney reported that Mrs. Becker would like to purchase a scanner. Mrs. Smith moved to purchase a copier/scanner/printer for up to $300 and to cancel our current contract for the printer if possible. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Motyka asked what the figure $5,494 of Other Income under Profit and Loss represented. Mr. Mahoney will research this. Also Utilities have come down $21,000 in the Year to Year, possibly because we are not using Constellation. Also the Gym is down $12,000. Mr. Mahoney said that The Chamber does not have Destination Newtown there anymore.
Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan plans to complete the area for Lathrop by mid August. A meeting will be held this week or next to discuss the project. Mrs. Fellows thought that the work would be contracted out, but Mr. Mahoney reported that as much work will be done in house as possible. Mr. Kathan feels that the staff can do much of the work. Mrs. Motyka stressed that the deadline of August 15 must be met. Mr. Kathan said that his commitment to this project is to demo two walls. Mrs. Motyka emphasized that there are two projects; the first project is Lathrop’s assigned area that they will be renting. The second project is a shared space that Lathrop will have access to and that they can rent.

Painting and construction are ongoing. Mr. Kathan has two quotes of about $2,300 for the roof leaks. He received a verbal estimate of $32,000, $5,000 and $4,000 for asbestos abatement in three areas. At the next meeting Mr. Kathan will present a report on the status of moving forward with the abatement. Mr. Kathan received two quotes for carpet in the First Selectman’s office: Red Baron $2,093 (includes padding) and Mathison for $2,100 (includes glue).

Chairman’s Report. Mrs. Motyka reported that the Borough will apply to become a local certified government which will make available to them grants that may be able to be used for the Edmond Town Hall. Mrs. Motyka reported that abatement/boilers is the Board of Manager’s first priority. She suggested that the Board may be able to take care of the abatement and if a grant of $40-50,000 could be obtained for the boiler perhaps the Board could obtain a loan from the Town for the remainder of the cost of the boiler. Mrs. Motyka asked that the Board review the list that she presented of Capital Improvements dated Sept. 1, 2009 and make recommendations as to priorities and or changes.

Mrs. Motyka prepared a letter to thank Mr. Gill. Mrs. Smith moved that the Board of Managers and the Staff at the Town Hall draft a letter to Jay Gill to thank him for his many years of service to the Town Hall.  

Mrs. Motyka would like the Board to consider Standing Committees. She distributed a list to review.

Report from Mary Hawley Society. There is not a final accounting with the person who provided the wine. Mrs. Motyka will broach the subject of a projector and screen with the Society.

Correspondence. Mrs. Fellows provided the Borough with a rendering of the signs requested.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Smith moved to approve the payment of Building Bills totaling $5,276.48 and Theater bills totaling $4,829.94, for a total of $10,106.42 plus added bills of $76.98 and $38.12  when funds are available. Second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business.

Follow-up to meeting with Maria DeMarco. To be determined.

Meetings of the Board of Managers will be set for June 29, 2010 at 7:00. Also the meeting scheduled for July 13, 2010 at 7:00 will be held if necessary.
New Business. Mrs. Fellows moved that the Board  rent to The Hurley Kitchen at a rate of $50  per session for four months to be reviewed after that time. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

Comments around the Table. The Board welcomed Mr. Juliano. Mrs. Fellows noted that there is so much to do and that she is trying to accommodate what needs to be done and that everyone has to work together. Mrs. Motyka feels that the Board is moving forward. She would like the Board to review her Capital Improvement list and she thanks the Board and the staff for their diligent work. Mrs. Smith commented that care needs to be taken with emails and that phone calls may be more appropriate at times.  

Possible Executive Session. None noted.

Adjournment. The meeting adjourned a 9:10 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk